Nutrition is the act or process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically: the sum of the series of processes by which an individual takes in, utilizes food substances and assimilates food for promoting growth and replacing worn or injured tissues. Food is any material, usually of plant or animal origin that contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life. Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. From this definition, you can list the three main aspects of health. They are: 1) physical well-being 2) Mental well-being 3) social well-being. Thus, a person is said to be healthy if he is physically, mentally and socially well.

As you know, nutrition is a process in which the food that is consumed is used for nourishing the body. Good nutrition is essential for good health. Nutrition is very important for a person to grow and develop normally and to remain healthy throughout life. When a person does not eat proper food, there are chances of his not developing normally- the likelihood that some organ of his body may start malfunctioning, or that he may get some disease? Poor nutrition may also influence his mental and social well-being. Thus, generally, the health of a person depends on the kind and amount of food he eats. The right kind of food eaten in the right quantity is necessary for good health. Balance Diet for proper Nutrition & Good Health. Daily allowances of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and other nutrients assist in cellular growth and the many body processes that keep you alive and functioning well. A balanced diet lets you consume these nutrients within reasonable calorie limits. Eating a variety of foods from all the food groups provides plenty of energy without overloading on high-calorie proteins, fats and sugar. Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and well-being. Food provides our bodies with the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. We need a wide variety of different foods to provide the right amounts of nutrients for good health. Enjoyment of a healthy diet can also be one of the great cultural pleasures of life.

Nutrition education is an essential component in improving dietary habits and food choices, in order to reverse the under nutrition and improve the nutritional diagnosis. Nutrition education can influence the way that children as well as adults view food choices and eating habits. It can inspire us to reach for fruits and vegetables and non-processed foods. It may even shape our perspective of health and wellness for the rest of our life. Learning about nutrition and health from an early age is essential for children. Kids tend to pick up their dietary and lifestyle habits from those that they are surrounded by, which is not always a good thing. Nutrition education may also help children to combat the constant array of aggressive marketing techniques put forth by companies shilling sugary treats, processed snacks and fast food options by teaching them the correlation between eating healthy and living well, in addition to showcasing the adverse effects that malnutrition and unhealthy eating can have on their bodies. Even if a child is not facing malnutrition and/or obesity, they can still benefit from nutrition education, as this type of curriculum tends to place an emphasis on overall health and wellness, instead of just focusing on weight. This actually can help kids, especially young girls, to make healthier choices for the right reasons and not because they are worried about whether or not their body looks like the images that they see on TV, magazine or online.